Orthodontic Treatment
Many people have crowded, rotated or spaced teeth, narrow arches giving poor smiles or misalignment of the jaws giving a poor facial profile. All these problems can be normally corrected by orthodontics or orthodontic treatment, 95% without the need for the extraction of teeth. A nice smile is an investment for life, research shows straight teeth can make you look younger and give you confidence.
Invisalign is our most popular treatment for invisible braces in Preston as they are a very discreet way of straightening teeth. Simple cases can be corrected using clear braces that can be removed for ‘special occasions’ in as little as 3-4 months. Our patients love Invisalign as they are comfortable, removable, clear and easy to use. Contact us for a FREE consultation at our dental practice in Preston.
Fixed Appliances
Most complex orthodontic treatment cases require finishing in fixed appliances to obtain the best cosmetic and functional result. There is a choice of either porcelain or small triangular metal brackets but in either case speech is not affected and the appliances are usually in place only for a period of 6-9 months.
All new tooth positions need to be retained for a period of months or even years but this can be done either by removable retainers worn at night or by invisible fixed splinting orthodontic treatment.
TMJ Appliances
Incorrect tooth or jaw alignment can lead to grinding habits which in turn cause muscle spasm and the collection of symptoms known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction. These symptoms include headaches, neck ache, back pain, clicking jaws, dizziness, ringing in the ears and difficulty opening the mouth or eating.
It is important to obtain a correct diagnosis of ‘tmj dysfunction’ and we provide both short term diagnostic splints and long term remedial therapy by the use of orthodontics, bite adjustments or restorations.